UTXO Ledger heading-link-icon

This section outlines the metrics that enable you to monitor the UTXO Unspent Transaction Output. The unspent output of a cryptocurrency transaction, representing the amount of digital currency that has not been spent and is available for use in future transactions. ledger performance.

The UTXO ledger is built on Corda’s flow functionality with several specialized processors that execute various operations. Each of these processors is connected via the message bus to flows. Therefore, the most prominent performance improvements revolve around decreasing the number of times a flow suspends and reducing the time lost to the message bus.

corda_ledger_flow_verification_time_secondsTimerNoneThe time taken from calling transaction verification within a flow until a response is returned to the calling code.
corda_ledger_verification_time_secondsTimerNoneThe time taken from receiving an event in the verification processor to completing the event’s processing.
corda_ledger_verification_contract_total_time_secondsTimerNoneThe time taken to execute contracts when verifying a transaction.
  • ledger_contract_name
The time taken to execute a contract’s contract code.
corda_ledger_verification_contract_countCounterNoneThe number of executed contracts when verifying a transaction.
  • operation_name
The time taken from calling any ledger persistence operation within a flow until a response is returned to the calling code.
  • ledger_type
  • operation_name
The time taken from receiving an event in the ledger persistence processor to completing the event’s processing.
  • serialized_class
The time taken to serialize an object.
  • serialized_class
The time taken to deserialize an object.
corda_ledger_backchain_resolution_chain_lengthDistribution SummaryNoneThe number of transactions resolved within a transaction’s backchain.


  • ledger_contract_name: Contract name.
  • operation_name: Operation name.
  • ledger_type: Ledger type.
  • serialized_class: The class being serialized.

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