Permission System Entities heading-link-icon

The RBAC Role-based access control. Also known as role-based security. A permission system to restrict system access based on assigned permissions. permissions system in Corda 5 is made up of multiple entities. The following section describes those entities and relationships between them.

This entity represents a human user or system user.

  • Full Name is a human-readable name. This is a property which cannot be used to code any permissions against it. It also has a UUID identifier for a concrete reference to the instance of an entity.
  • Login Name is the name used for authentication and authorization purposes. There can be only one Enabled user for a given Login Name.
  • Enabled is a boolean flag to indicate whether the user is enabled or temporarily suspended.
  • E-mail is an email address for the user account used for communication of any important information affecting this account. The same email address may be used for multiple accounts.
  • Salt value is a randomly generated value used when hashing the password. It only makes sense when the password is assigned as well.
  • Hashed password is a salted and hashed representation of the password.
  • Password expiry is only applicable when the password is assigned and when it specifies the timestamp after which the password is deemed expired and needs changing.
  • Parent Group is an optional identifier of the group to which the user belongs. This property can be set to null. In such case, the user is assumed to belong to the “root” group. In the current model, the user can belong to just a single group. However, groups can be nested.
  • User can be associated one-to-one with a Group.
  • User can have multiple roles associated with it.
  • Change Audit entries may have one-to-one references to acting User.
  • User can have multiple Properties assigned to it.

This entity represents a set of Permissions.

  • Name is a human-readable value for a role. It also has a UUID identifier for a concrete reference to the instance of an entity.

Each role can be associated with multiple Permissions. A given Permission can belong to multiple roles. Hence, there is a many-to-many relationship between Role and Permission.

This entity represents an individual fine-grained permission.

  • Virtual Node ID is an optional identifier of the virtual node within physical node the permission applies to.
  • Permission type defines whether this is an “allow” or “deny” type of permission. “Deny” permissions will always have advantage over “allow”, no matter at which level (User or Group) they are granted.
  • Permission string is a machine-parseable string representing individual permission. It can be an arbitrary string as long as authorization code could make a good use of it in the context where User permission to perform a certain operation is checked. For example, it can be in the form: InvokeRpc:..., or StartFlow:..., or CreateUser:....

This entity represents an audit log for every change to the permission data. This can be the introduction of a new User, assignment of a User to a Group, creation of a Role, and so on.

Writing to this entity’s database table is performed atomically in the same transaction as the permission data change. Once written, the rows of this table are never modified or deleted, so it is an append-only entity.

  • Actor User is the identifier of the user performing an action.
  • Change Type means an enumerated set of actions defining the nature of the change done to the permission data. For example, UserCreated, or PermissionToRoleAssignment, and so on.
  • Details means human-readable details giving more explanation about what was changed.
  • Timestamp is the timestamp of when permission data change was performed.

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