Administrator heading-link-icon

By default, when a cluster A complete set of worker processes. Clusters require a fully functioning virtual node infrastructure. starts, a “super admin” REST user identity A login to the REST endpoint. Each login is associated with customizable permissions on the cluster and virtual nodes. is created, which has unrestricted access permissions. This user is created using a special utility that performs a one-time write to the RBAC Role-based access control. Also known as role-based security. A permission system to restrict system access based on assigned permissions. permissions database.

The “super admin” user can create additional users and assign necessary permissions to them. These permissions may include, but are not limited to, the ability to create even more users.

The governing principle is that even if a particular user (“minor admin”) is assigned a permission to create other users, it cannot assign more permissions to them than it currently has itself. In other words, it is not possible to elevate access privileges by creating more user accounts.

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