Upgrading an Application Network heading-link-icon

After an administrator upgrades a Corda cluster from 5.0 to 5.1, you should upgrade the member CPIs Corda Package Installer. A signed ZIP/JAR combination of a CPB and a Group Policy File that defines not only the application code that a virtual node will run, but also the details of the MGM with which to register, and the details of network PKI requirements. of your application network. The MemberInfo platform version is set at member registration time and so upgrading members ensures that this value reflects the current version. Upgrading members enables the correct implementation of the following:

  • The MGM can make decisions about members based on their platform version. For example, excluding them from the network if they do not upgrade.
  • Platform gating logic may be based on platform version.
  • Ledger system flows can block transactions on members that are not on the current platform version.

The following sections describe how to upgrade your application network:

  1. Re-export the Group Policy from the MGM
  2. Repackage the Member CPB
  3. Upload the CPI
  4. Apply the New CPI to Each Virtual Node

To retrieve the group policy A JSON file containing network information that is bundled with a CPB to create a CPI. file from the upgraded MGM Membership Group Manager. May also be referred to as the Network Manager. It is a virtual node and Corda identity that acts as a central registrar for group membership. :

export MGM_REST_HOST=localhost
export MGM_REST_PORT=8888
export MGM_REST_URL="https://$MGM_REST_HOST:$MGM_REST_PORT/api/v5_1"
export MGM_HOLDING_ID=<MGM-holding-ID>
$MGM_REST_HOST = "localhost"
$MGM_REST_PORT = "8888"
$MGM_REST_URL = "https://$MGM_REST_HOST:$MGM_REST_PORT/api/v5_1"
$MGM_HOLDING_ID = <MGM-holding-ID>
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$MGM_REST_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/info" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 > $WORK_DIR/GroupPolicy.json
If using Bash, create the GroupPolicy.json by exporting it using the MGM, by running this Curl command:


You must create a new CPI for each Corda-deployed CorDapp with the group policy file from the upgraded MGM. This CPI must have the same Corda CPK CorDapp Name as the existing CorDapp but with the --cpi-version incremented. For example:

./corda-cli.sh package create-cpi \
--cpb <CPB_FILE> \
--group-policy <UPGRADED_GROUP_POLICY_FILE_> \
--cpi-name "<CPI_Name>" \
--cpi-version "" \
--file <CPI_FILE_NAME> \
--keystore <SIGNING_KEY> \
--storepass "<SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD>" \
corda-cli.cmd package create-cpi `
--cpb <CPB_FILE> `
--group-policy <UPGRADED_GROUP_POLICY_FILE_> `
--cpi-name "<CPI_Name>" `
--cpi-version "" `
--file <CPI_FILE_NAME>`
--keystore <SIGNING_KEY> `
--storepass "<SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD>" `

To upload the upgraded CPI to the network, run the following:

export CPI_PATH="$WORK_DIR\mgm-"
$CPI_PATH = "$WORK_DIR\mgm-"
$CPI_UPLOAD_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$REST_API_URL/cpi/" -Method Post -Form @{
    upload = Get-Item -Path $CPI_PATH

The returned identifier (for example f0a0f381-e0d6-49d2-abba-6094992cef02) is the CPI ID. Use this identifier to get the checksum of the CPI:

export CPI_ID=<CPI-ID>
$CPI_STATUS_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$REST_API_URL/cpi/status/$CPI_ID"

The result contains the cpiFileChecksum.

The Cluster Administrator can apply the new version of the CPI using the CPI checksum.

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