Interface UtxoFilteredTransaction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface UtxoFilteredTransaction

    Defines a filtered UTXO transaction.

    This wraps a signed transaction that has been filtered using Merkle proofs. This means that we can still calculate and verify the transaction ID as a Merkle hash, but do not have access to all data in the original transaction.

    For the list-based data properties, there are three possibilities: - The whole entry is filtered out - no further information about this data is available. This will be signified by returning an object implementing UtxoFilteredData.Removed. - Only the number of original entries is revealed, but not the actual data. In this case, an object implementing UtxoFilteredData.SizeOnly is returned. - Some or all of the original data is revealed. In this case, an object implementing UtxoFilteredData.Audit is returned.

    There are a few special cases: - getId and getMetadata cannot be filtered and are always returned. - getNotary and getTimeWindow are always unique - they are either revealed, or the filtered transaction will return null when accessing them.