Class TokenPoolCacheKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces: , , java.lang.Comparable , org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer , org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord , org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord , org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord

    public class TokenPoolCacheKey
    extends SpecificRecordBase implements SpecificRecord

    Represents a unique key for a pool of tokens in the cache

    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenPoolCacheKey

        Default constructor.
      • TokenPoolCacheKey

        TokenPoolCacheKey(String shortHolderId, String tokenType, String issuerHash, String notaryX500Name, String symbol)
        All-args constructor.
        shortHolderId - Holding identity of the pool
        tokenType - Type of tokens in the pool
        issuerHash - Issuer of the tokens within the pool
        notaryX500Name - Notary for the tokens in the pool
        symbol - Symbol of the tokens in the pool