Class CryptoSignatureSpec.Builder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CryptoSignatureSpec.Builder
    extends SpecificRecordBuilderBase<T> implements RecordBuilder<T>

    RecordBuilder for CryptoSignatureSpec instances.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getSignatureName

         String getSignatureName()

        Gets the value of the 'signatureName' field. A signature-scheme name as required to create [Signature] objects (e.g. "SHA256withECDSA")

      • setSignatureName

         CryptoSignatureSpec.Builder setSignatureName(String value)

        Sets the value of the 'signatureName' field. A signature-scheme name as required to create [Signature] objects (e.g. "SHA256withECDSA")

        value - The value of 'signatureName'.
      • getCustomDigestName

         String getCustomDigestName()

        Gets the value of the 'customDigestName' field. An optional digest algorithm name, set to non null value if the hash should be precalculated before passing to the provider (e.g. "SHA512"), note that the signatureName should not contain the digest (e.g. "NONEwithECDSA").

      • setCustomDigestName

         CryptoSignatureSpec.Builder setCustomDigestName(String value)

        Sets the value of the 'customDigestName' field. An optional digest algorithm name, set to non null value if the hash should be precalculated before passing to the provider (e.g. "SHA512"), note that the signatureName should not contain the digest (e.g. "NONEwithECDSA").

        value - The value of 'customDigestName'.
      • hasSignatureName

         boolean hasSignatureName()

        Checks whether the 'signatureName' field has been set. A signature-scheme name as required to create [Signature] objects (e.g. "SHA256withECDSA")

      • hasCustomDigestName

         boolean hasCustomDigestName()

        Checks whether the 'customDigestName' field has been set. An optional digest algorithm name, set to non null value if the hash should be precalculated before passing to the provider (e.g. "SHA512"), note that the signatureName should not contain the digest (e.g. "NONEwithECDSA").

      • clearCustomDigestName

         CryptoSignatureSpec.Builder clearCustomDigestName()

        Clears the value of the 'customDigestName' field. An optional digest algorithm name, set to non null value if the hash should be precalculated before passing to the provider (e.g. "SHA512"), note that the signatureName should not contain the digest (e.g. "NONEwithECDSA").

      • hasParams

         boolean hasParams()

        Checks whether the 'params' field has been set. An optional signature parameters.

      • hasParamsBuilder

         boolean hasParamsBuilder()

        Checks whether the 'params' field has an active Builder instance An optional signature parameters.