Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Tool

As described in the Certificate Hierarchy Guide, a certificate hierarchy with certain properties is required to run a Corda network. Specifically, the certificate hierarchy should include the two main CENM entities - the Identity Manager and the Network Map - and ensure that all entities map back to one common root of trust. The key pairs and certificates for these entities are used within the Signing Service to sign related network data such as approved CSRs, CRRs, Network Map and Network Parameter changes.

This certificate hierarchy should be generated prior to setting up the network as it must be provided to the Signing Service during setup of the CENM services. Generation of all key pairs and certificates in the hierarchy is left up to the discretion of the network operator. That is, provided the resulting keys and certificates adhere to the requirements set out in the linked guide above, an operator is free to use any generation process/method they wish.

The security requirements of the PKI will depend on the requirements of the underlying Corda network and the levels of assumed trust throughout the system. The security around the PKI is ultimately up to the operator, however some general recommendations are:

  • Using locally generated Java key stores for anything other than a toy/test network is strongly discouraged.
  • All keys should be generated and stay within the confines of a Hardware Security Module (HSM).
  • Due to its importance, the root key should be protected by extra security measures. This could range from living in a separate HSM to only existing as offline shards distributed across different geographical locations.

The PKI Tool is a CENM provided utility that can be used to generate a Corda compliant hierarchy.

For more information about X.500 Name constraints, see the Node identity section in the Corda documentation.

  • Allows a user to define their desired certificate hierarchy via a configuration file.
  • Ability to generate private and public key pairs along with accompanying X509 certificates for all entities.
  • Supports local key and certificate generation as well as HSM integration for Utimaco, Gemalto, Securosys, Azure Key Vault and AWS CloudHSM.
  • Supports ‘additive’ mode, allowing a user to use existing keys to generate key pairs and certificates for entities further down the chain.
  • Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file generation.

The tool is designed to be executed from the command-line, where the entire certificate hierarchy is specified in the configuration file:

java -jar pkitool.jar --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>

By default, a check will be done on the proposed certificate hierarchy before any generation steps to ensure that CRL information is present for all entities. If this is not required then this check can be disabled by passing the --ignore-missing-crl or -i start-up flag:

java -jar pkitool-<VERSION>.jar --ignore-missing-crl --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>

The PKI tool comes with the default configuration which can be used for testing. This configuration resembles a basic version of the Corda Network certificate hierarchy, with the key omission of any CRL information. To generate the certificate hierarchy using the default configuration, omit the --config-file argument:

java -jar pkitool.jar --ignore-missing-crl

The output of this command are a set of local key stores within the generated key-stores/ directory along with the network trust store within the generated trust-stores/ directory. Note these directories are generated relative to the working directory that the tool is run from.

For anything other than a simple test, a custom configuration file can be created to define the hierarchy. Along with other parameters, the configuration is composed of three main sections:

  • Key Stores Configuration: This is the list of key stores (local or HSM) that are used by the PKI tool. Each key store is referenced by a certificate configuration and is used to either generate and store the key pair along with the accompanying X509 certificate (if it does not currently exist). Alternatively, if the key pair and certificate has been previously generated then the existing values will be used to generated the remaining entities in the configured hierarchy.
  • Certificates Stores Configuration: This is a list of certificates stores (in the form of Java key stores) that are used by the tool for storing generated certificates.
  • Certificates Configurations: This is the list of configurations for the entities that form the desired certificate hierarchy.

This configuration block defines all key stores that should be used by the PKI Tool. Each key store can be either local (backed by a Java key store file) or HSM (backed by a LAN HSM device). For HSM key stores, the available options and authentication methods will depend on the HSM being used. See Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Tool Configuration Parameters for more details.

A mixture of key store types is allowed. That is, it is possible to generate some key pairs within a HSM device and others locally. Note that mixing key store types is not supported for a given entity.

This configuration block defines all certificate stores that will contain generated certificates. All certificate stores take the form of locally stored Java key store files, and contain no private keys.

The certificates configuration block defines the actual entities that form the desired hierarchy, It is expressed as a map from the user-defined alias to certificate configuration. The alias serves two purposes. Firstly, it can be used to reference the given entity throughout the rest of the PKI Tool config. Secondly, it also defines the alias for the generated (or existing) certificate entry in the corresponding certificate store. The certificate configuration defines the entity specific properties of both the X509 certificate and associated key pair. See Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Tool Configuration Parameters for more information.

If the desire is to use the resultant certificate hierarchy in a Corda network, this configuration block must define a set of certificates that meet some basic requirements. In addition to the hierarchy having to be under a single trust root (excluding SSL keys), it must include an entry for the Identity Manager CENM service, with the accompanying certificate having the DOORMAN_CA role. It also must include an entry for the Network Map CENM service, with the accompanying certificate having the NETWORK_MAP role. These certificate roles are validated by Corda nodes when they receive a response from the CENM services, so failure to set the roles will result in a hierarchy incompatible with Corda. CRL information is also needed if revocation is being used (see the Certificate Revocation List Information section below).

Out of the box, the PKI Tool comes with some predefined certificate templates that can be used to generate a basic, Corda compliant certificate hierarchy. Each template defines all necessary parameters, such as certificate subject, role and signedBy attributes, and greatly reduces the size of the configuration file.

The following certificate templates are available:

Template NameDescriptionDefault Alias
CORDA_TLS_CRL_SIGNERCertificate for signing the CRL for the Corda Node’s TLS-level certificatecordatlscrlsigner
CORDA_ROOTCorda Root certificatecordarootca
CORDA_SUBORDINATECorda Subordinate certificatecordasubordinateca
CORDA_IDENTITY_MANAGERCorda Identity Manager certificatecordaidentitymanagerca
CORDA_NETWORK_MAPCorda Network Map certificatecordanetworkmap
CORDA_SSL_ROOTCorda SSL Root certificatecordasslrootca
CORDA_SSL_IDENTITY_MANAGERCorda SSL Identity Manager certificatecordasslidentitymanager
CORDA_SSL_NETWORK_MAPCorda SSL Network Map certificatecordasslnetworkmap
CORDA_SSL_SIGNERCorda SSL Signer certificatecordasslsigner
CORDA_NETWORK_PARAMETERSCorda Network Parameters Service certificatecordanetworkparameters

Each certificate type has a default key store associated with it that is protected with the default password “password”. Similarly, the root and tls crl signer certificates are preconfigured to be stored in a default “network-root-truststore” with the default password “trustpass”. As a result, there is no need to specify the keyStores or certificatesStore configuration block.

A certificate template can be used in the certificates configuration block, in place of the certificate aliases, by prepending the template name with ::. A basic example of this is:

certificates = {

Customisation of the templates is supporting, allowing the default values within each template to be overridden. This can be achieved by extending the template:

certificates = {
     subject = "CN=Custom Subordinate Certificate, O=Custom Company, L=New York, C=US"

In this scenario, the CORDA_SUBORDINATE certificate and key pair will be generated using the defaulted values from the template for all parameters apart from the explicitly set subject.

The certificate alias can also be overridden by prepending the template notation with the chose custom alias. For example, a custom alias for the root entity can be defined by:

certificates = {

An example configuration that uses templates and customisation is:

certificates = {
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=Corda, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "customrootca::CORDA_ROOT" {
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
        signedBy = "customrootca"
        subject = "CN=Custom Subordinate Certificate, O=Custom Company, L=New York, C=US"
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"

As an alternative to using the templates, each key pair and certificate can defined using the standard configuration options. See the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Tool Configuration Parameters documentation for all possible parameters, and see below for examples that use this approach. Note that the templates only support local key stores - using a HSM requires the certificate hierarchy to be defined without templates.

Unless explicitly set, all configurations will be generated without CRL information. That is, unless the configuration explicitly defines all necessary CRL file configurations or all CRL distribution URLs, all certificates will be generated without the Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point extension and will therefore be incompatible with any network using strict revocation checking.

As outlined in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Tool Configuration Parameters doc, this extension is defined using the following logic:

  • If the certificate configuration has the crlDistributionUrl parameter set then use this.
  • Otherwise take the crlDistributionUrl value from the parent entities CRL file configuration (if exists).

As referenced above, the PKI Tool can be configured to generate an accompanying CRL file for each CA entity via the crl configuration block. This configuration determines the resulting CRL file for that entity as well as, by association, the CRL endpoint configuration for any child entities in the hierarchy.

For example, a CRL file for the root can be defined:

certificates {
   "example-subordinate-alias" {
      crl = {
         crlDistributionUrl = ""
         file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
   "example-networkmap-alias" {
      issuesCertificates = false
      signedBy = "example-subordinate-alias"

This will result in the encoded CRL file crl-files/subordinate.crl being created and will also result in any other certificates that have been configured to be signed by “example-subordinate-alias” having the crlDistributionPoint extension set to Note that this means that the subordinate’s CRL file must be hosted, and available, on this endpoint.

For a given certificate, the exact crlDistributionPoint extension can be defined explicitly (rather than inheriting from its parent) by using the top-level crlDistributionUrl parameter. This allows a certificate hierarchy to be defined that can use previously or externally generated CRL files. The above configuration snippet can be defined without CRL file configurations as follows:

certificates {
   "example-subordinate-alias" {
      crlDistributionUrl = ""
   "example-networkmap-alias" {
      issuesCertificates = false
      signedBy = "example-subordinate-alias"
      crlDistributionUrl = ""

As previously mentioned, it is up to the network operator to ensure that any configured CRL endpoints are available. The Identity Manager supports hosting of these CRL files (see the the “CRL Configuration” section of the Identity Manager Service doc).

If using the PKI Tool with a HSM then, due to the proprietary nature of the HSM libraries, the appropriate jars need to be provided separately and referenced within the configuration file. The libraries that are required will depend on the HSM that is being used.

An example configuration block for a PKI Tool integrating with a Utimaco HSM is:

hsmLibraries = [
        type = UTIMACO_HSM
        jars = ["/path/to/CryptoServerJCE.jar"]

Some HSMs (e.g. Gemalto Luna, AWS CloudHSM) also require shared libraries to be provided. An example configuration block for this is:

hsmLibraries = [
        type = GEMALTO_HSM
        jars = ["/path/to/LunaProvider.jar"]
        sharedLibDir = "/path/to/shared-libraries/dir/"

See the example configurations below to see these configuration blocks being used in a complete file.

To keep inline with the other HSMs, the Azure Key Vault client JAR needs to provided as above. Unlike the other HSMs, there are many dependent libraries. The top-level dependencies are azure-keyvault and adal4j, however these both have transitive dependencies that need to be included. That is, either all jars need to be provided separately (via a comma-separated list) or an uber JAR needs to be provided.

The gradle script below will build an uber jar. First copy the following text in to a new file called build.gradle anywhere on your file system. Please do not change any of your existing build.gradle files.

plugins {
  id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '4.0.4'
  id 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''

shadowJar {
    archiveName = 'azure-keyvault-with-deps.jar'

Then if gradle is on the path run the following command.

gradle shadowJar

or if gradle is not on the path but gradlew is in the current directory then run the following command.

./gradlew shadowJar

This will create a JAR called azure-keyvault-with-deps.jar which can be referenced in the config.

As outlined in the Configuring the CENM services to use SSL doc, all inter-service CENM communication can be configured to encrypt their messages via SSL. This feature requires the operator to provide a set of SSL key pairs and certificates to each service, which can be generated using the PKI tool.

The template values described above can be used to generate these if required, or alternatively they be configured by the operator. Note that these keys are only to establish trust between services and should be completely separate from the main certificate hierarchy. Further more, in most cases, there should not be a need for CRL information - if they key pairs need to be rotated for any reason then an operator can just regenerate a new set of trusted key pairs and reconfigure the CENM services to use these.

A basic example configuration using the templates is:

certificates = {
keyStores = {
    "identity-manager-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/identity-manager-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "network-map-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/network-map-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "network-parameters-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/network-parameters-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "subordinate-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/subordinate-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "root-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/root-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "tls-crl-signer-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/tls-crl-signer-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-auth-keys" = {
         type = LOCAL
         file = "./key-stores/ssl-auth-key-store.jks"
         password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-gateway-keys" = {
         type = LOCAL
         file = "./key-stores/corda-ssl-gateway-keys.jks"
         password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-gateway-private-keys" = {
         type = LOCAL
         file = "./key-stores/corda-ssl-gateway-private-keys.jks"
         password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-identity-manager-keys" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/ssl-identity-manager-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-network-map-keys" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/ssl-network-map-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-root-keys" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/ssl-root-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-signer-keys" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/ssl-signer-key-store.jks"
        password = "key-password"
    "corda-ssl-zone-keys" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/corda-ssl-zone-keys.jks"
        password = "key-password"
certificatesStores = {
    "network-root-trust-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-root-truststore.jks"
        password = "trust-store-password"
    "corda-ssl-trust-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/corda-ssl-trust-store.jks"
        password = "trust-store-password"
certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["tls-crl-signer-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = true
        keyUsages = [CRL_SIGN]
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-root-trust-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Corda TLS Signer Certificate, OU=Corda, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
    "cordarootca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["root-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = true
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = true
        subject = "CN=Test Root CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-root-trust-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasslrootca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-root-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = true
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = true
        subject = "CN=Test SSL Root CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/sslroot.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["subordinate-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = true
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["identity-manager-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        role = DOORMAN_CA
        issuesCertificates = true
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["network-map-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        role = NETWORK_MAP
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordanetworkparameters" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["network-parameters-key-store"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        role = NETWORK_MAP
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Parameters Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordasslidentitymanager" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-identity-manager-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager SSL Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
    "cordasslnetworkmap" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-network-map-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map SSL Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
    "cordasslsigner" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-signer-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Signer SSL Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
    "cordasslauth" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-auth-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Auth SSL Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
    "cordasslgateway" = {
       key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["corda-ssl-gateway-keys"]
            algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
            password = "key-password"
        isSelfSigned = false
        signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
        keyUsages = [DIGITAL_SIGNATURE]
        keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
        validDays = 7300
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Gateway TLS Signer Certificate, OU=Corda, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
    "cordasslgateway-private" = {
        key = {
             type = LOCAL
             includeIn = ["corda-ssl-gateway-private-keys"]
             algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
             password = "key-password"
         isSelfSigned = false
         signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
         keyUsages = [DIGITAL_SIGNATURE]
         keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
         validDays = 7300
         issuesCertificates = false
         subject = "CN=Test Gateway Private TLS Signer Certificate, OU=Corda, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
         includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
     "cordasslzone" = {
         key = {
             type = LOCAL
             includeIn = ["corda-ssl-zone-keys"]
             algorithm = "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256"
             password = "key-password"
         isSelfSigned = false
         signedBy = "cordasslrootca"
         keyPurposes = [SERVER_AUTH, CLIENT_AUTH]
         validDays = 7300
         issuesCertificates = false
         subject = "CN=Test Zone SSL Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
         includeIn = ["corda-ssl-trust-store"]
defaultPassword = "password"
keyStores = {
    "identity-manager-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/identity-manager-key-store.jks"
    "network-map-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/network-map-key-store.jks"
    "subordinate-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/subordinate-key-store.jks"
    "root-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/root-key-store.jks"
    "tls-crl-signer-key-store" = {
        type = LOCAL
        file = "./key-stores/tls-crl-signer-key-store.jks"
certificatesStores = {
    "truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-root-truststore.jks"
certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["tls-crl-signer-key-store"]
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["truststore"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordarootca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["root-key-store"]
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["truststore"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["subordinate-key-store"]
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["identity-manager-key-store"]
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        key = {
            type = LOCAL
            includeIn = ["network-map-key-store"]
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        role = NETWORK_MAP
hsmLibraries = [{
    type = UTIMACO_HSM
    jars = ["/path/to/CryptoServerJCE.jar"]

defaultPassword = "password"
defaultKeyStores = ["example-hsm-key-store"]

keyStores = {
    "example-hsm-key-store" = {
        type = UTIMACO_HSM
        host = ""
        port = "288"
        users = [{
            mode = "PASSWORD"
            username = "example-user-1"
            password = "example-password-1"
certificatesStores = {
    "network-truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-trust-store.jks"
    "certificate-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/certificate-store.jks"
certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordarootca" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = NETWORK_MAP
hsmLibraries = [{
    type = GEMALTO_HSM
    jars = ["/path/to/LunaProvider.jar"]
    sharedLibDir = "/path/to/shared-libraries/dir/"

defaultPassword = "password"
defaultKeyStores = ["example-hsm-key-store"]

keyStores = {
    "example-hsm-key-store" = {
        type = GEMALTO_HSM
        user = {
            keyStore = "tokenlabel:example-label"
            password = "example-password"
certificatesStores = {
    "network-truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-trust-store.jks"
    "certificate-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/certificate-store.jks"
certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordarootca" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = NETWORK_MAP
hsmLibraries = [{
    type = SECUROSYS_HSM
    jars = ["/path/to/primusX.jar"]

defaultPassword = "password"
defaultKeyStores = ["example-hsm-key-store"]

keyStores = {
    "example-hsm-key-store" = {
        type = SECUROSYS_HSM
        host = ""
        port = 288
        users = [{
            username = "example-user-1"
            password = "example-password-1"
certificatesStores = {
    "network-truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-trust-store.jks"
    "certificate-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/certificate-store.jks"
certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=U"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=U"
    "cordarootca" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = NETWORK_MAP
hsmLibraries = [{
    jars = ["/path/to/azure-keyvault-with-deps.jar"]

defaultPassword = "password"
defaultKeyStores = ["example-hsm-key-store"]

keyStores = {
    "example-hsm-key-store" = {
        type = AZURE_KEY_VAULT_HSM
        keyVaultUrl = ""
        protection = "HARDWARE"
        credentials = {
            keyStorePath = "/path/to/keystore.pem"
            keyStorePassword = "example-password"
            keyStoreAlias = "example-alias"
            clientId = "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"

certificatesStores = {
    "network-truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-trust-store.jks"
    "certificate-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/certificate-store.jks"

certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordarootca" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = NETWORK_MAP
hsmLibraries = [{
    jars = ["/opt/cloudhsm/java/cloudhsm-3.0.0.jar"]
    sharedLibDir = "/opt/cloudhsm/lib"

defaultPassword = "password"
defaultKeyStores = ["example-hsm-key-store"]

keyStores = {
    "example-hsm-key-store" = {
        type = AMAZON_CLOUD_HSM
        credentialsAmazon = {
    		partition = "<partition>"
    		userName = "<user>"
    		password = "<password>"
    	localCertificateStore = {
    		file = "./new-certificate-store.jks"
    		password = "password"

certificatesStores = {
    "network-truststore" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/network-trust-store.jks"
    "certificate-store" = {
        file = "./trust-stores/certificate-store.jks"

certificates = {
    "cordatlscrlsigner" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/tls.crl"
            indirectIssuer = true
            issuer = "CN=Test TLS Signer Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
    "cordarootca" = {
        isSelfSigned = true
        subject = "CN=Test Foundation Service Root Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["network-truststore", "certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/root.crl"
    "cordasubordinateca" = {
        signedBy = "cordarootca"
        subject = "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        crl = {
            crlDistributionUrl = ""
            file = "./crl-files/subordinate.crl"
    "cordaidentitymanagerca" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        subject = "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = DOORMAN_CA
    "cordanetworkmap" = {
        signedBy = "cordasubordinateca"
        issuesCertificates = false
        subject = "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        includeIn = ["certificate-store"]
        role = NETWORK_MAP

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