CENM Database Configuration

A persistent layer must be available for the Identity Manager and Network Map Components to function. This is described in their respective configs with the following configuration states.

  • database: Database configuration.

  • runMigration: Create or upgrade the database schema (database objects like tables, indices) to the current version of the service. If it is set to false, and the database schema is up to date, the service will validate.

  • initialiseSchema: (Deprecated) Automatically creates the tables required by the CENM component.

  • jdbcDriver: Path to the JAR file containing the specific JDBC driver.

  • driverClassName: See the specific JDBC driver documentation here.

  • url: Location of the database on the network.

  • user: Database user.

  • password: Database user password.

  • additionalProperties: (Optional) Additional database properties.

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